
- Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy is an ISSN 2250-1711 numbered Bi-Annual National Refereed Research Journal dedicated to indological pursuits published by the Veda Samskrita Academy (R.), Hegde.
- One of the objectives of the Veda Samskrita Academy, is to encourage researchers, scholars and teachers to publish the results of their research in the form of a research paper in Samskrita / English / Hindi / Kannada. Accordingly, contributions from scholars working in different fields like Samskrita Language and linguistics, Language and literature, Indian Philosphy, all branchs of Vedas, Vedangas, Darshanas, Scientific Literature in Samskrita, Creative writings, Commentaries, Bookreviews, Ayurveda, Art and Architecture, Modern Samskrita Literature and Shiksha Shastras (Education) and so-on are highly appreciated. However, good and original but brief creative writing in Samskrita in the form of poetry, prose, stories etc. would also get equal importance. Regular issue of the Journal will contain research papers and small literary articles, book reviews, discussions and comments on research publications.
- The Academy would also invite high standard research papers from wellknown eminent scholars. Other research papers submitted by research scholars are reviewed and refereed by eminent scholars / experts of the Editorial team. Only research papers reviewed by referees will be finally accepted for publication.
Activities of Academy
Veda Samskrita Academy (Reg.) proudly presents the following before your good self;
- The Academy was blessed and inaugurated by divine Guru Shri Raghaveshwara Bharati Mahasvamijee of Shri Ramachandrapura Math on 21st January 2002 at Hegde Village building No. 158, Kumta Taluk, North Kanara District (Karwar District), Karnatka State.
Samskrita School – Shri Mahaganapati Samskrita Pathashala
- The Academy is operating a Samkrita School named Shri Mahaganapati Samskrita Pathashala, Hegde (“Pathashala”) which enables pupils to enroll for a Samskrita School to pursue their education in the line of Veda & Samskrita.
- The said pathashala is conducting classes for Samskrita Prathama Class as approved by the Directorate of Samskrita Education of Karnataka Samskrita University, Bengaluru.
- The students of Pathashala are appearing for the yearly exam conducted for Samskrita Prathama by Directorate of Samksrita Education and producing good results.
- The Society was renamed as “Veda Samskrita Academy” from “Veda Samskrita Prasaranee Sabha” at its special meeting of the society held on 3rd January, 2011 vide passing unanimous resolution to that effect.
- The Academy represents through its Directors in various conferences and seminars to accelerate the knowledge of Samskrita around the globe. Dr. Gopalkrishna Hegde, Director of the Academy had been the Chairman of International Samskrita Conference on the subject of Shodhasatra of Jyotisha Shastra held at Vijnana Bhavan at New Dehli on 23rd and 24th August, 2013.
Future Plan
Book-reviews shall be welcomed free of cost.
To initiate scholorship for the Samskrita Students.
To initiate organizing National Seminars on the topic related to Vedas & SamskritaLiterature.
Publication of unpublished works.

The editors invite original, scholarly articles and research papers, within the aim and scope of the Journal. Articles that have not been published previously or submitted elsewhere, and that are not under review for another publication in any other medium should be submitted. It will be assumed that submission of an article to this Journal implies that copyrights are vested with this Journal.
Contributors are requested to send a hard-copy along with soft-copy in presoribed formet. The preferred format for email attachment will be PDF. The preferred word processing format is Microsoft world / Page Maker. If the article is eccepted for the publication then only contributors will be required to send journal processing fees in form of online transfer.
FORMAT & STYLE : Papers (3000-6000 words normally, 8000-10000 words in exceptional cases), short communications (1500-3000 words) on new ideas / new areas of work / innovations / ongoing investigations / manuscripts searches / conference and seminar and workshop outcomes and book reviews (1500-2000 words) should be neatly typed in one side of A4 size paper with double spacing and a wide margin to the left. Only typed and properly proof read articles in Compact Disc in Times New Roman for English, Baraha for Samskrita, Kannada and Hindi shall be accepted. Diacritic fonts, if used must be sent in CD. Notes shall be cited at the article only.
FOOTNOTES should be numbered consecutively and presented as end-notes.
REFERENCE should be indicated at the end as per standard. All references should be alphabetically listed at the end of the paper adhering to standard format of citations.
OFF-PRINT : Two copies of the Journal would be supplied to the first author only as complimentary copy.
All correspondence related to the Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy should be addressed to Director, Veda Samskrita Academy (R.), kalkod Road, Hegde-581330, Kumta, Uttarakannada, Karnataka.
E-mail : [email protected] or [email protected]
Editorial Note
The Veda Samskrita Academy (R.) is one of the Pioneering Academies of Karanataka. Working to Propagate, Promote and Popularize Veda, Vedic heritage, Samskrita language and literature and all that contain in Shastras.
Advisory Board
Chief Editor : Dr Gopalkrishna Hegde, Jyotisha Shastra-Dharma Shastra Vidwan, Hegde, Kumta, Uttara Kannada. Karanataka-581330 Ph: +919741847399 and Board of Experts and Referee are…
Latest updates in Veda Samskrita Academy
- Vishwa Havyaka Sammelana January 9, 2025
- Anavarana January 9, 2025
- Notification for 24th volume: Invitation for submission of articles December 5, 2024
- Special Note: International Workshop in Kuvempu University on 12-nov-2024 November 7, 2024
Ph: +919741847399
E-mail ID – [email protected]
The Journal of Veda Samskrita Academy is published twice either in 2 or in 1 volume in a year. Copies of the Journal are sent to the subscribers by post. Rs. 500/- shall be charged as annual subscription for Institutions / Libraries.
Processing Fee per volume is Rs. 1000/- (one thousand only) |
Processing fees or subscription orders accompanied in the form of DD drawn in favour of Veda Samskrita Academy (R.) Hegde may be sent to the Director, Veda Samskrita Academy (R.) Kalkod Road, HEGDE-581330, Kumta, Uttarakannada, Karnataka or Deposit the amount to the Syndicate Bank, Hegde, Account number : 03182200030380 (IFSC : SYNB0000318)